IPINFRA NETWORKS SDN BHD (IPSB) is a 100% Bumiputera private limited company which was incorporated in 2014. IPSB was mainly involved in ICT, Cloud, Big Data, Data Center engineering works and services. IPSB has widened its scope of business which presently involves in major services:
- Information Communication
- Trading and other services
IPSB will assure to provide continuously excellent support, services and committed to the projects award by clients for their satisfaction.
IPSB mission and vision is to ensure continuing excellent commitment to customer beside to be a quality provider of its services by offering a combination of professional approach and committed performance in all works within its scope.
IPSB, believe that our team have great exposure and growth potentials in long-term survival of our business.
The application of know-how atmosphere in our organization is derived from the combination of knowledge, experience and commitment of every personnel attached.
With the ideal environment maintained by this company, we are able to deliver the expertise and knowledge in related fields and provide excellent services, with cost effective practices and minimum down-time operation, for the achievement of total customer satisfaction.
By acquiring and utilizing the power of technology, we are confident that our organization shall grow steadily towards establishing ourselves as a stable and reputable business foundation.